
Tuesday, August 03, 2010

Climatgate: Peru Declares State of Emergency Amid Plunging Temperatures

Peru has declared a state of emergency after hundreds of children died from freezing conditions that have seen temperatures across much of the South American country plummet to a 50-year low. In 16 of Peru's 25 regions, temperatures have fallen below -24C.

Reports from the country say 409 people, most of them children, have already died from the cold, with temperatures predicted to fall further in coming weeks.

Worst hit are Peru's poorest and most isolated communities, which are already living on the edge of survival in remote Andean mountain villages more than 3,000 metres above sea level.'


1 comment:

  1. What is this isn't climate gate (I'm a climate change believer) but I also think this could be related to the gulf coast, which is something I believe in.

    What I find incomprehensible is you not seeing the links between climate change, and ocean science. What about ocean acidification? Rising CO2 levels cause that.

    Perhaps: CO2 spikes cause large methane releases which cause extreme die off events which lead to global cooling.

    Think about it. Climate change is real, and you should stop driving. Get a bike.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.