
Monday, March 15, 2010

Weight Watchers Says Eat at McDonald's to Lose Weight

Weight Watchers has now officially endorsed Chicken McNuggets as a "healthy meal" in New Zealand, where McDonald's restaurants will begin carrying the Weight Watchers logo on several menu items. This bizarre and inexplicable decision has now made Weight Watchers the laughing stock of the health world where nutrition and weight loss experts normally don't use "McDonald's fast food" and "weight loss" in the same sentence.

As The Guardian reports, "As part of the deal, which the company says is the first of its kind in the world, McDonald's will use the Weight Watchers logo on its menu boards and Weight Watchers will promote McDonald's to dieters."

Nutritionists, not surprisingly, were shocked at the announcement. The idea of eating at McDonald's to lose weight seems a bit ridiculous, and anyone who believes that eating Chicken McNuggets will cause you to lose weight is arguably one nugget short of a Happy Meal. Sometimes you just have to point out the stupidity of these things, even at the risk of offending someone who has convinced themselves that eating more Chicken McNuggets is their ticket to a slim, fit and sexy body.'


1 comment:

  1. You can wash down those weight watchers nuggets with the Mount Franklin 'pink ribboned sick industry' bottled water at McD's, in fact any fast food place you go to its fridge is stocked with that brand name owned by Coca Cola.
    It makes me sick if l cannot find an Australian owned bottled water on the shelf so l always carry a bottle in my knapsack if needed.
    Not a penny is wasted on anything plastered with a pink ribbon on it as well as anything with part of the sale going to the sickness industry, for the idiots only.


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