
Saturday, September 19, 2009

What is the Price of Your Childs Life?

In exchange for money, a certain group of people have agreed to let your kids be killed. That group is the United States Congress. And for the last several years, many of them have been accepting money from AIPAC, a supposed lobbying group that stands exposed as a spy operation for a foreign government, in order to promote that foreign government's agenda, which includes war in the Mideast, waged against that foreign government's enemies.

This selling of America's children to a foreign government to be that government's mercenaries has to rank as the greatest single betrayal of a people by their government in all of history.


1 comment:

  1. Be it a jack in the box or limping ragdoll.
    Proud as Punch and Judy military family will be, triumphing their Kid in Amerikas return fighting and upending the terrorist bogeyman...'Huzzah!, they're kicked the arse of some foreign devil'.
    ln Congress the 'wouldn't know them from bars of soap', will sell and clean their woes with a paltry sum and heros medal trinket, collecting the big buck dividend shares of the deal, tidily.

    And lm suppose to cry for there sacrifice,...
    they have access to information no tears shed
    here, unlike the innocents they slaughter.


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