
Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Mass Mind Control is Upon Us - It's Time to Awaken Your Consciousness

Many people may not realize that when they turn on the television in their home, what they see as a constant flow of images is actually flickering. Although we do not see this consciously, the repetitive pattern of flickering images creates a state that is similar to hypnosis in the television viewer. Studies by researcher Herbert Krugman have shown that within 30 seconds of television viewing, brain waves switch from predominantly beta waves, indicating alert and conscious attention, to predominantly alpha waves, indicating an unfocused, receptive lack of attention. The brain's left hemisphere, which processes information logically and analytically, tunes out while the person is watching TV, while the right hemisphere of the brain, which processes information emotionally and non-critically, is allowed to function without hindrance. Due to this phenomenon, television transmits information, which is not actively thought about at the time of exposure, much like hypnosis. When viewing television, we do not consciously rationalize the information resonating within our unconscious depths at the time of transmission and the viewer becomes more open and suggestible.


1 comment:

  1. My TV behaves like a blind date when it sees me gwarking at it occasionally....

    "See you at six", "See you shortly",
    "Dont go away we'll be right back",
    "What are you doing tonight?...".

    lt just never gets the hint lm already taken with broadcasts of something better in my scopes of view...even when l say
    "Piss off you propaganda pimps".
    lts a real slut at attempting to engage me in its criminal activities with fake personalities, thinks l have a short memory span on that wavelengths field of dreams.

    But l still watch things like Deal or No Deal or Judge Judy just for the fun of it...wonder if they do out there somewhere over the rainbow too?...Nah! their to busy watching us hypnotized baked beings in the screens of
    things to come, of our future times in dreams...l imagine.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.