
Sunday, September 06, 2009

23.5 Degrees: Mission Starchild

We are now at the frontline in a battle playing out between Us and Them. We want to see the Starchild case regarding a possible alien presence on Earth resolved definitively, conclusively. They want it swept away and "disappeared" like a political opponent in a third-world banana republic. We are engaged in a serious battle, so we must take our responsibility seriously.



  1. When l read the first page of David Ickes book "The Biggest Secret" way back in early 2000 l had no idea l was to have the proof l needed sitting right in front of me nightly for the next 2 years 7 HUW.
    Also there was something ahead after this experience l was MEANT to find along with it in the link, yet it had been there all along related to my sister by marriage.
    When David Icke introduced his auidence to this level of the consipracy in his research
    l had a difficult time as one would accepting this idea of a interdimentional race of reptilian beings controlling a bloodline on our planet.

    l could see the via the evidence he put forth within the book of such an unbelievable concept but l wanted visual and physical proof for myself strongly, l had fantasized sometimes what this would be like to meet an alien and had dreamt it once.
    The earliest dream, well it was a nightmare actually, that l had is as a 5 year old.
    ln the dream l saw the full head shot of a green snake inching closer and closer until it was face to face with me, l remember this clearly and my reaction as my mother came into the the dark bedroom to calm me down saying "lts only a dream" as l was screaming in my sleep. ...l don't know why and how it would come to be but l had always a strange feeling one day l would stand in front of something not from this earth.

    Today while l'm used to what l have been through and experienced, l still am blown away
    in the fact that it all was to come to be, beyond belief in its alignment of arrangement.

    Almost as if l had been carrying parts of an invisible jigsaw puzzle in life and placing each part down on the path l've walked
    [the yellow brick road], yet not knowing l was.

    Where is this leading to? thats the answer l SEEK.

  2. My fantasy of what it would be like was much different to what actually transpired in real life however, who would of thought l'd be standing there with my trusty mop and bucket
    in the House of Attitudes as witnesses.....HA, l have to laugh at it.

    lt just sounds odd, me with me mop in front of a alien...HA.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.