
Sunday, September 06, 2009

Diss the Cops, Get Shot in Court

It was just too much, having to return to court twice on the same day to contest yet another traffic ticket, and Fire Chief Don Payne didn’t hesitate to tell the judge what he thought of the police and their speed traps. The response from cops? They shot him. Right there in court.


1 comment:

  1. l can't imagime what may of happened to me if l
    had caved in to H.T. one night.

    He came into da House of Attitudes all excited once near the end of our fake friendship,
    "Steevin guess what? l found 4 thousand dollars rolled up in an elastic band"

    "Where??" l said suprized.

    He began to tell me all the details then and ended off with "You'll be annoyed with what l did with it....l handed it into the police"

    "Why? its probably drug money you could of kept it" l said....He.He.

    "l know you could go to the "Kansastown" police station and pretend you lost it" he said to me also adding we then could split it between us.

    l thought over it for perhaps 10 seconds and realized l'd be a bad lier, just not me.

    "No H, you get one of your friends to do that not me l couldn't do that", l said to his surprized disappointment.

    When l look back at this l'm reminded of certain times l would notice H.T. standing at the open front door of the restuarant and he would wave to a police car driving by sometimes....

    lt was an attempt to set me up l see now.

    You can't even trust "alien bloodline friends" sometimes :)....HA.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.