
Sunday, August 16, 2009

'Hidden Portal' Concept Described: First Tunable Electromagnetic Gateway

While the researchers can't promise delivery to a parallel universe or a school for wizards, books like Pullman's Dark Materials and JK Rowling's Harry Potter are steps closer to reality now that researchers in China have created the first tunable electromagnetic gateway.



  1. l'm no Einstein nor Wizard with maths or science [l do know one though] for the language of science is over my head but l was to see something of which l can only assume was a portal? it was interdimensional anyhow.

    l wont go into detail about why it happened,
    l'm not that great at writing and l'm not gifted in expressing my experience to the reader....but l try.

    [dotconnector will know what lm referring to]

    ....After l finished cleaning the restuarant
    one night in late September/November 2001 l sat down as usual to watch TV....but TV was not what was on my mind l had been consumed in an emotional downward spiral 'within' for quite a while.

    This is what took place on this night
    [l don't recall the date as l didn't keep a record of my experience until after the event, l had to backtrack everything from memory]

    ......Suddenly l looked up from the floor..
    l thought l had woken up my brother with my sobbing and verbal thoughts, as the darkened hallway which led into the loungeroom lit up really bright as if someone had switched on like a was so bright.

    l then sat there in a foggy state of despair watching a glowing white tubular laserbeam rod
    penetrate though the glass framed hallway door
    and enter the loungeroom.
    lt was about a foot off the ground of the loungeroom floor and it stopped halfway into
    the room, it then sprouted from its end 5 or 6
    glowing white tubular prongs.
    These prongs spread like fingers upon the carpet, each prong then began to wobble in a circular motion independently from one another.

    How do l discribe this?
    One prong circled clockwise while another circled anti-clockwise.

    The prongs then retracted back into the end of the tubular laserbeam rod and then it reversed
    through the glass of the hallway door.

    The hallway returned to darkness....all l said
    in my bewildered state was "Fuck Off!"..things you say when you don't understand...Ha.

    Today l would kiss the spot it touched, but it
    did touch me as l was to find out eventually.

  2. Possession follow up page 9/27-10/04 2009 [97]:

    Over the next 10 nights after this night above
    l began to shake violently when l sat down to watch TV after ld finished cleaning Attitudes for the night.
    l would settle down on the couch after making an after midnight snack, then it would start.

    Slowly l felt my body begin to shake which gradualy built up until l was shaking all over.
    [sounds like that Elvis song..ha]

    My legs would be kicking, teeth chattering, head shaking just jerking violently and l couldn't control this sudden thrashing movement all over my body.
    At first l thought l must be coming down with a chill or something and would wrap myself up in my doona and blankets, still this was of no use and it would continue on for the next 3 hours into the night then stop.
    l felt exhausted after it but fine by the time l got up after sleeping by the morning.
    The same thing happened each night up to 3 hours, l worried that maybe l could have Parkinsons Disease or something worse.
    After the 10th night it stopped altogether, 2 or 3 days later l had a terrible pain in my stomach and sitting on the toilet l ejected a great mass of a shiny jetblack sludge from my body, it was like a thick oilslick and the blackest black l'd ever seen.
    l was shocked looking at it as l flushed it down the toilet.
    This is what l believe was at war within me,
    a war between the light and the dark forces
    within me over ownership, it was an entity attached to the lower chakra area of my body
    l think it was reptilian.

    That experience above this comment had
    something to do with its removal l know now.

    My brother regurgitated up a shiny black
    golf ball sized object during his
    experience as well.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.