
Saturday, August 22, 2009

Top 5 Worst 9/11 Memorials

9/11 has inspired a myriad of memorials who are scattered all across America. Some of them are of questionable taste, others contain strange occult symbolism while others simply piss people off. Here’s the five most offensive.



  1. My memorial design would of used structural steel from the towers...where did they go,
    l haven't got a September clue do you?

    lt would consist of 9 steel girders moulded together and embedded into the base of the ground, rising approximately 11 meters into the chemtrailed skyline.
    At the top of the sculpture would of been a capstone with a mosaic of 2,998 glass eyes representing those murdered by the illuminati
    that day and in addition too.
    The groundwork area would of been paved with the bold words: WE KNOW WHO DID IT AND WHY.

    There would be flagposts around the area flapping in the wind with the faces of Goats like Bush and others.

  2. Oh yes l forgot a silvery steel Asp would be
    entwined around the sculpture as well.

    Beaut Huh?

  3. Mines a bit tacky but ain't they ALL considering the truth.


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