
Monday, March 23, 2009

The Raid on Mayor Cheye Calvo's Home

Berwyn Heights Mayor Cheye Calvo’s mother-in-law, Georgia Porter, was stirring her spaghetti sauce when suddenly she saw armed, masked men in black swarming across their backyard. One of the men saw her and pointed his high-powered assault weapon directly at her through the window. She screamed. Suddenly the front door shattered, and men in black burst into the house.
Payton, one of the family’s two black Labrador Retrievers, was lying stretched out on the living room floor. As he turned his head towards the door, the terrified Georgia watched as the men shot him in the face multiple times. The other family dog, Chase, ran into the dining room in an attempt to escape from the screaming men, but they rushed the dining room from all directions and shot him also.


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