
Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Be Gentle With the Bankers - No, Indict Them for High Treason

Simon Johnson, in an article posted on the RGE Monitor site, notes that the “CEOs of major banks have started to push back against the critics” and cites Richard Kovacevich, chair of Wells Fargo. Johnson mentions the “banking industry’s thought leader,” Jamie Dimon, who declares “that unless we stop vilifying corporate leaders… we will not get an economic recovery.”

Sounds like blackmail to me.

Mr. Johnson tells us the banking CEOs and “thinkers” want us to “move on,” in other words forget about holding the culprits (like Vikram Pandit at Citi) responsible or for that matter even vilifying them too harshly and simply move down the long and winding road with the process of looting the American taxpayer and his children and his children’s children, lest there be bankruptcy and a creeping cancer that spreads over the body of the private sector.

I don’t claim to know anything about banking and economics, but I do know something else when I see it — treason.

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