
Saturday, October 09, 2010

The Most Powerful Woman in the World

Forbes magazine can always be relied on for a good laugh. In their latest edition they are telling us that Michelle Obama was the most powerful woman in the world. Hilarious! Implied in Forbes' choice is the long debunked myth that a U.S. president was a powerful man. Sure, Obama is nominally the head of state of the biggest and most heavily armed economy, but that doesn't give him any real power. Nobody becomes U.S. president without prostituting himself to the crime dynasties that run this planet. And - as the examples of Kennedy and Nixon show - nobody stays U.S. president, without religiously adhering to the script provided to him.

No, if Forbes was serious about finding the most powerful woman in the world, they wouldn't have looked for her in America, but in England. Try the world's richest woman and biggest landowner, commander of the armed forces, head of church, head of state, unrestrained by constitution, let alone constitutional court. How more powerful does it get?'


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