
Thursday, October 07, 2010

CERN Documents Say LHC Could Lead To Ice-9 Extinction

According to those internal documents CERN has been lying for years to the press and in the suits, since it always affirmed that it won’t produce the ultra-dangerous, ultradense ‘strangelets’, the liquid explosive made of up, down and strange quarks, responsible of the ice-9 reactions that cause supernovas (below’s graph).

In those documents CERN affirms there is a 65-70% of chances of producing negative strangelets, which according to standard science on strangelets today, will provoke the ice-9 reaction (name taken from Cat and Cradle’s book in which a physicist destroys the world throwing a new type of water that freezes the planet, since an ice-9 reaction will condensate the planet in a 15 kilometers ultra-dense strange star).'


1 comment:

  1. is this guy a Moron. I am one of the leaders of the NWO. We took your money and had this built to study mind control. Isn't that funny. We took your money and built a machine to control your mind.


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