
Thursday, September 02, 2010

As Usual, MSM Gushingly 'Predicts' Our Fascist Future

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it great to see a cure is 'in hand and eyesight' in the challenge to safeguard our privacy as 'predicted' by David Icke 20 years ago with warning, and now 'predicted' [HA] by the mainstream for the lamestream with all the warning signs of it's safety.

    [Scatterbrained shopper Ayanna Grady tells all in this promo you dont need to bring along anything else to pay no more just a working hand that thinks for her like a brain, unlike that unreliable tool in her head]

    Meanwhile the challenge to find the elusive cures from a common cold to life threatening illnesses goes on and on and on and on..and on, and onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn!.

    Countless times hope is reported and promoted from the studios of Disneyland [like MSNBC],
    of a cure that may be only 5 to 10 years away.
    5 or 10 years passes without an end in sight in the 'challenge' to find a cure only that 5 to 10 years later more hope is echoed again about some cure that may be at hand up to 5 to 10 years away....again
    In the meantime new drugs to treat the problems at hand are found with side effects, but the good news is that you can pay for it now if you want, using your hand! and even better so if microchipped in security for health reasons only that is...Ayanna Grady.
    WOW WEE! isn't it a miracle!
    [she would fall for anything that one].

    Notice how Barbie Ayanna the so called 'some people' in this promo of a report are allowed a voice of approval and the 'other people' with a voice of disapproval not so.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.