Posted By ANH-USA On April 27, 2010 @ 6:34 pm In Attacks on Integrative Medicine, Food Safety, The Dietary Supplement Health & Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA)
[1]The American public is becoming fed up with “sneak” provisions tacked onto largely unrelated bills that are likely to pass. A glaring recent example was tacking onto the Healthcare bill a complete change to student loans. Often the “sneak” provision is so buried that hardly anyone is aware of it.
Where is the wording in this bill, if it is there I want to see it. I do not believe anything I am told, just because it is told to me. I like to read and investigate for myself. Do I believe that someone would try to do this, yes. Is it in the realm of possibilities that they are doing this, yes. But show me, don't just say it and expect me to believe and follow blindly.