
Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Another War Lie to Attack Iran: Neda 'Murder Video' Shows Her Pouring Fake Blood on Her Own Face

You know that US government and corporate media lied to the world for unlawful war with Iraq. We know these were all known lies as they were told because we now have the disclosed evidence. The lies are "emperor has no clothes" obvious upon examination.

We know that US government and corporate media are lying to the world for unlawful war with Iran. We know these are all lies by examining the evidence. We know that the US lied to overthrow Iran’s democracy from 1953 to 1979 in order to have an oil-friendly dictator and then supported Iran’s invasion from 1980 to 1988 when they refused a replacement dictator.

As a teacher of government and law, I created an analogy to recognize the lies by imposing the names of “China” for the US, and “US” for Iran to see what it looks like as the target of war lies. I also provide a glimpse into Persian culture to humanize Iran rather than demonize the targets of provable and criminal US war lies.

I just became aware of the video evidence during Iran’s June 2009 election of Neda Agha-Soltan that shows her pouring a red substance over her own face that is caught by the video. I had to watch about six times to verify that I really did see Neda apply the "blood" to her face. This staged event ended with Neda's real death; her autopsy reported her cause of death was a close-range shot to the back rather than the US corporate media report of sniper-fire to the chest. I couldn't find confirmation in English of her autopsy and welcome reader links.'


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