
Sunday, October 04, 2009

Politicians and Celebrities Granted Permission to Keep Their Names off Child Database

Tens of thousands of politicians and celebrities will be allowed to keep their names off a new Government children's database, ministers said yesterday.
Their identities will be 'shielded' on the list which will carry details of 11million children in England and their parents.


1 comment:

  1. Star Treks Data Asp4 October 2009 at 13:02

    lt would be a good idea to keep many so called celebrities off the polluting TV data screen too, much of these 'symbols' so called work details should be sheilded from the children.
    The politicians well lm not interested in their snotty nosed brats, its the dirty facts and measurements in corruption that is what should be placed on gigantic database billboards around every town and city on this breed of parents.


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