
Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Marines Bypass Taliban Opium Fields in Afghanistan

The Tal­iban, whose fight­ers are exchang­ing daily fire with the Marines in Garmser, derives up to $100 mil­lion a year from the poppy har­vest by tax­ing farm­ers and charg­ing safe pas­sage fees — money that will buy weapons for use against U.S., NATO and Afghan troops.

Yet the Marines are not destroy­ing the plants. In fact, they are reas­sur­ing vil­lagers the pop­pies won’t be touched. Amer­i­can com­man­ders say the Marines would only alien­ate peo­ple and drive them to take up arms if they elim­i­nated the impov­er­ished Afghans’ only source of income.

Many Marines in the field are scratch­ing their heads over the sit­u­a­tion.


Now you can understand why there is a massive explosion of cheap heroin available coming to you courtesy of the CIA

1 comment:

  1. How much for a high behind the window song:

    How much is that poppy for a picking
    The one with a gooey resin
    How much is that smack on the paving
    l do hope the CIA's, is dirt cheap $Green$

    Old CIA Cape Codgers song:

    lf your fond of opium fields with Afghan air
    Quaint little villages here and there
    Your sure to love the heroin kiddo,
    and all courtesy with the CIA's care.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.