
Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Home Office Stonewalls ID Findings

The Home Office is refusing to release 'research' it carried out which was meant to prove just how very keen young people in the UK are to get hold of a delicious ID card.

The department blew almost £80,000 setting up a site to find out what people aged between 16 and 25 thought of ID cards. The site operated from July to mid-October and was run by Virtual Surveys. It suffered some early teething problems when admins were accused of censoring comments.

Alongside a survey the youths were also asked to give their opinion of the project in 200 words. Many managed to do so in less than 200 words. "Don't need, don't want and won't have one. Catch terrorist's my ****. One word: Control." was one of our favourites.


1 comment:

  1. All in all it was just another brick in the wall of the crackbrained, off the ID walls plastering gypsum.
    The final results a heavy bombardment of teenage wildfire that shelled the home office and set an admin's mad dash for shelter to the underground bunkers for the silent withdrawal to uphold integrities, in the damaged datasites findings dugout.


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