
Saturday, July 04, 2009

Exposing’ Slave Practices of Rothschild Deflects Real Crime

Acting ‘greatly surprised’, British investment bank Rothschild ‘regrets that the firm is linked in any way to the inhumane institution of slavery.’ Supposedly big news to them, the ancient Rothschild establishment quickly mutters sounds of indignation after the report appeared in the new world order’s main media outlet, the Financial Times.

According to the FT, the chief archivist of the Rothschild family papers ‘reacted with disbelief when first told of the content of the records, saying she had never seen such links before.’ The archivist must either suffer from long-term memory loss, or her master has employed her because of her lying skills. Although called a ‘scoop’ by Lionel Barber in his ‘pick of the week’, the Rothschild links to slave trade have been thoroughly documented throughout the last decades by numerous independent researchers. But never mind that.

Carola Hoyas of the Financial Times nevertheless claims to have broken the story on June 27th that Nathan Mayer Rothschild benefited financially from slavery. According to Hoyas, records at the National Archives in Britain contain evidence that the family patriarch ‘made personal gains by using slaves as collateral in banking dealings with a slave owner.’ Well yeah. It should come as no surprise for anyone who has even superficially glanced over the annals of Rothschild history, that the family has engaged in slavery, not just ‘with links’ to slave-owners. They, like all other black nobility, are the slave-owners.

Should we be genuinely surprised about links to slavery from the man who told us ‘I care not what puppet is placed on the throne of England to rule the Empire, (…). The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire. And I control the money supply.’?


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