This is one of those articles that I find SO difficult to write and remain civil while doing so. Being in the midst of a legal battle myself with these Talmudic Tyrants of Tyranny out to control every aspect of human life and consciousness in their mad attempt to take over the world I find the usual protocol of being courteous to these maniacal, mind-controllers practically, as well as esthetically, impossible to adhere to. So if you’re not up to a bit of cussin’ and politically incorrect pronouncements then best you switch back to FOX or CNN.
When I see a fellow Truth Warrior like Dr. Toben, trapped by their perfidious web of ‘legal’ lies and deceit and knowing only too damn well their mendacious motives for silencing men and women who have the courage of their own knowledge and convictions to stand up to these savage, pseudo-savants of sophistry and deception, a primal sense of outrage, so deep and so strong, wells up from within me and all I want to do is search the keyboard for the button that reads SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAM!!!! and press on it with all my might until the intensity of the anger and the utter disgust finally abates.
True to form the Zionist media dogs lap up all the usual Zionese/Legaleese language of their masters and vomit it forth via their newspapers and out from their Ziovision screens around the world as if it is going to reinforce the obvious, blatant lies of which they are so desperately attempting to sustain. Dr. Toben “Holocaust denier” “guilty” of “criminal contempt” and “defying orders” to stop publishing “racist material” on his website ad nauseum.
Nice thoughts.