In previous web-published articles I have examined evidence concerning the scientific evidential fraud behind NuLabour’s smoking ban. In this two-part article I will present evidence encompassing political fraud, deception and treason against the British people.
In April of this year we learned that the EU wipes England off the map - as Gordon Brown flies the flag of St George over Downing Street. Within the article, “the Tories accused the Government of trying to create a European superstate via the back door“.
Under the programme, known as INTER-REG, counties along England’s south coast form the ‘Manche Region’ along with northern France. The ‘Atlantic Region’ takes in western England, along with Ireland, Wales and parts of Portugal, Spain, France and Scotland. Meanwhile eastern England is part of the ‘North Sea Region’, which covers areas of Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Belgium, Norway and the Netherlands. The UK Government is fully behind the project, even though the words ‘England’ and ‘Britain’ are left off official maps of each area and the Manche Region renames the English Channel ‘The Channel Sea’.
Let us examine this announcement in a little more detail. The report also indicates that, Each region, which will be given taxpayers’ money to promote trade links, cultural ties, transport policies and tourism, is to be run by a ‘managing authority’ of unelected officials overseen by a director.
“By whose authority are these regions being established, may I ask?
We are then told that, “The regions have legal status and Manche has a budget of £261million between 2007 and 2013, Atlantic has £127million and North Sea has £219million.”
By whose authority did these regions derive their legal status? This project has already been comprehensively rejected in 2004 by the French and Dutch citizens in their referenda. Who has overridden the outcome of their democratic ballots?
A Conservative MP stated that, “The Labour Government has been caught red-handed conspiring with European bureaucrats to create a European superstate via the back door. Gordon Brown literally wants to wipe England off the map.”
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