
Sunday, November 28, 2010

We've Been Had!

In every war that we've publicly known about the American Public was conned into believing that it was always "the right thing and the ONLY thing to do." Fifty years after the fact when the archives were unsealed we finally discovered in each and every instance the United States lied to the people of this nation-just to have the illegal and unnecessary wars in which hundreds of millions of people died.

From WWI through WWII, Korea, Vietnam, and the undeclared preemptive strike by GWH Bush in Panama, all the way through the 1991 Iraq War, to the attack on Afghanistan and then back to the war that never really stopped in Iraq, this time under Junior's diseased oversight. Every single time in each and every one of these "wars" the public was not just misled but we were actively coerced by lies and propaganda to enter into these wars as a requirement of the survival of this nation: Well none of that was ever true!'


1 comment:

  1. Admission that "we have been had" because we were stupid or retarded closes the case in my mind. But no admission and still hearing the same phrase again and over again goes far beyond retarded. Or is indicative of a fact...we were, are what our enemy was, is. In its initial contact, our enemy must have thrown a stone into the will of our character, carefully analyzed the echo when the stone hit the bottom and found out the great similarity and likenesses.

    American people should stop being self-pathetic. They are to blame for a great part of their suffering

    You sit by the will and you wonder how deep it is. You won't throw a propping stone into a shallow well. A great many of them, do they remember the time they spoke NOT, heard NOT, saw NOT, sought NOT

    People of "we have been had", You "have not been had", but you "have given yourselves". Thus you have become a nation of slaves anf sufferers.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.