
Monday, May 24, 2010

Truthjuice Summer Gathering

Tickets available here...

1 comment:

  1. Thine have spoken thy truth in comments via Dot Connector regarding bloodline Huw and thyself in the House of Attitudes thee could spake more or more about phenomena, two were to trigger blackouts electrically in circles we 2 have seen. [brother]
    But it was a one in 22 million odd fact of 2002 that was to eventually unlock the doors of perception with low and behold a bloody family connection, that dawned on thee one night in the House of Attitudes late September 2002 when looked upon slouched a chesterfield couch eyed over a coffee machine.

    Thou art was shaken within at first sight and t'was soon after that instant which brought the house crashing down with them there eyes watching thee with a certain named company.

    Its name rare and only so spake of in the killing of some Queen.
    Connected loosely yet firmly at the same time thus tying bloodline Huw entwined in Attitudes around thy plodded footsies to behold lovingly.

    My work done tightly within over 2 years with bloodline Huw it t'was found unfastened now on a couch thus connected to works of Icke like was meant to be l see, truthfully.
    Spaken reptilian-ly.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.