
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Big Lie: Selling You War with North Korea

Nor do I need to elucidate on the many reasons why the US Government is in desperate need for yet another war with which to scare the American people into acceptance of more takes and fewer rights and freedoms.

Anyone with half a brain realizes that the US Government, unable to gain support for an invasion of Iran, has changed gears and decided that North Korea will be the next step towards World War III.

Here is the big lie...'


1 comment:

  1. That is a very interesting point > "US Government, unable to gain support for an invasion of Iran, has changed gears and decided that North Korea will be the next step" which I had not yet worked out despite wondering why the US was spooking N.Korea recently, do you suppose the sinking of that ship might have been Black Ops?


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.