
Monday, January 25, 2010

Howard Storm - The Future of the World

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful! to live in total love and harmoney with God, Man and nature. I wish me and my children could see such a time. Instead we see isolationism, abortion, stem cell research, destruction, hedonism and on and on.

    I can comprehend weather controlling, look into Dr. James Demeo. An orgonomist. Wilhelm Reich, though not a Christian did study the science of what I think is a vehicle of maybe one of God's "giving life" methods. Demeo took off on the weather influence of these studies and I have personally seen clouds "melt" or one example of clouds forming intentionally to create rain weather.

    Look up James Demeo PhD, Wilhelm Reich MD, Richard Blasband MD.

    They do not come from an angle of faith, but study some of these harmonious life promoting "technologies".

    I just wanted to add this.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.