
Friday, December 11, 2009

Science According to Al Gore: Earth Interior “Millions of Degrees”

Not only did Al Gore invent the internet, he has also redefined earth science. The puffed up phrophet of the phony climate change movement went on the Conan O’Brien Show in mid-November and told the world the temperature of the interior of the earth is “millions of degrees.” O’Brien didn’t flinch.


1 comment:

  1. Heres what their saying about
    Journey To The Centre Of Climate Change
    the Classic Sci Fi Con for idiots.

    The scariest book for ages l've read since orrh?well...1984:
    Sen Penny Wong Minister for the Climate Change Cult and water on the brain in OZ.

    The Nobel Peace Prize trinket thing is the Madman of the Century and it takes one to know one...and visa versa:
    Alfred E. Neuman Mad Magazine.

    Knows a thing or 2 about degrees in millions:
    The Billionaires Book Club.

    Librarian Laura Bush:
    Wiped that Stepford Wives plastic grin of my face and had George reaching for the bottle as l spelt it out for him.

    Journey To The Centre Of Climate Change
    by Jules Alverne Gore


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.