I together with some likeminded friends here in North Wales are in the process of setting up an organisation called 'truithjuice' running weekly meetings of a combination of excellent speakers and big film nights.
I have already obtained the website www.truthjuice.co.uk which is under construction and we are in the process of trying to book speakers covering 'Alternative Health', 'Mind, Body, Spirit', 'Globalisation and the New World Order', 'Supressed Technology', 'Exopolitics' and ' Hidden History amongst other subjects.
We have a venue which will seat up to 150 and are trying to find the technology we need to make this a success, i.e mics, LCD Projector, speakers and amp.
This will be a totally non profit concern with the sole aim of getting the word out to the public in this crucial time of awakening.
To this end we need to raise about £6,000 to pay for the website, speakers, venue, technical equipment as above and also the mailing, flyers, advertisments to make this a success.
We want to use this as a pilot operation with a view to rolling out from region to region to eventually cover the Whole of the UK.
To this end we need YOUR help. Whatever you can spare will be massively appreciated and a list of donors will go up on the truthjuice website when it is up and running.
So come on guys and girls, get your hands in your pockets and give what you can to this opportunity to reach more and more of the population.
You can donate by clicking on the donation button on the right hand side of the page and this request will be at the top of the website on a daily basis till we meet our goal.
You will be able to see the daily progress in the thermometer below.
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