
Monday, October 12, 2009

No Electricity And Its 5000 BC

From Ted Twietmeyer

This could come in perhaps two or three years, or even sooner. This is about a future with no electricity. Such a disaster can quickly happen anytime after the Sun generates a coronal mass ejection (commonly known as a CME) in the direction of Earth. A CME is the product of an X class solar flare as solar material leaves the sun, and does not loop back into the Sun as it does an M class flare.

A CME is a momentary event, which will have extremely negative effects lasting for a century or more on Earth. We'll explore what will happen in detail to most aspects of life as we know it. Some parts of this article will be graphic in nature.

In the 1990s a minor CME event did happen. CME solar material becomes ionizing radiation and hit the Earth's atmosphere over the area ofQuebec, Canada. For about one week the power company was unable to reset high tension power line circuit breakers to restore power. The ionizing radiation made the atmosphere so conductive that high tension power lines were arcing.


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