
Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Beyond Space and Time: Fractals, Hyperspace and More

We don't have any trouble coping with three dimensions – or four at a pinch. The 3D world of solid objects and limitless space is something we accept with scarcely a second thought. Time, the fourth dimension, gets a little trickier. But it's when we start to explore worlds that embody more – or indeed fewer – dimensions that things get really tough.


1 comment:

  1. Dimensions....
    There were things l saw and my brother as well,
    but it wasn't until one of us in conversation mentioned 'them' that the other also had experienced 'them' as well, in the same exact form as discribed and location of sight.
    lt would be umm, l'll use the word 'spooky' to most so l'll zip the lips.
    These 'things' were 'transparent' and dimensional critters always lurking about waiting for an opportunity.
    Theres a Hollywood Movie that has similar 'things' in it, weaved within its story.

    ln the end they where weakened and defeated behaving in a pathetic 'crippled' state until
    they ceased to exist, l think it had something to do with higher energy vibrations.
    l understand what they fishing for vibrationally, there were other things also.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.