
Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Max Keiser: $350 Billion of TARP Funds is Missing


  1. From the reaction of the entertained Maher audience her second job could be in comedy,
    they really know their stuff these entertainment driven TV audiences in America...everythings hunky dory to them.

  2. Hi,

    This last video regarding the "missing" $350 billion dollars, needs a little more detail and clarity about the actual interview with Elizabeth Warren and Bill Maher as the Max Keiser clip is a little misleading.

    The clip with Max Keiser only hears her say that no one is quite sure where it went...but the rest of what she says explains that it technically isn't missing, but that they don't know where it was spent once it was given to the banks.

    Whole interview:

    EW: "Well, there's a little problem with the first 350 billion dollars."

    BM: "And what is that?"

    EW: "It left and no ones quite sure where it went....UH mostly, now we know it went to the banks.

    BM: "But that's your job to oversee that."

    EW: "That's right. But Henry Paulson said, in effect, to the banks, "Come, take the money, no strings attached, don't ask, don't tell"....and so the problem is, if you don't ask the banks what they're going to do with the money, then it's not possible to track whether they do it or not. So that's what Treasury 1 was all about, they gave $350 billion dollars to the banks.

    BM: "Right."

    EW: "Then we get a new administration."

    BW: "Is that what you would call it Treasury 1?

    EW: "Right, because it really is a difference, were now in Treasury 2."

    EW:" And so secretary Geitner came in and he's trying to do a lot more with the remaining $350 billion. Remember, this was not their program, so they're trying to kinda break it up and use it different ways now."

    Great video though...lots of good info you would like to hear anyways so check out the whole video....comical as well. It's less than 10 minutes and goes into a little detail about the breakdown of our usury laws in the United States due to a small twist in legislation in 1979 where they "very quietly changed a law."

    EW: "You really is important to note, our history, Colonial America, throughout our history, we had strong usury laws in place, until 1979 and we just very quietly changed a law; interpretation by the United States court on am ambiguous statute; and the whole game came unraveled from that point."

    She talks about how Henry Paulson asked, "I want $700 billion dollars
    with no strings attached, or the economy dies, and I want it now" and
    Congress said no, we will give you half and we will set up an outside group to oversee with reports every 30 days, which is the group that Elizabeth Warren is the head of.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.