
Wednesday, December 03, 2008

You Do Not Have To be Livestock !

1 comment:

  1. Nationalism is pimped out bigotry designed to provoke a stockholm syndrome in the livestock.

    That really depends on what you mean by nationalism. Nationalism is ultimately a resistance to globalism. Don't ever forget that in order to make globalism appear good, natural and progressive you need to make nationalism appear bad, unnatural and regressive.

    I don't hate immigrants and I'm not bigoted but neither am I blind to the fact that mass immigration is designed to destroy the English as a race and a culture. The area I live in has been utterly transformed and it's the worse for it. I'm English and I want to feel like I live in England again. Not India.

    You can take this we are all one thing too far. The paradox is that we are both all one and individuals at the same time. The gnostics described this with the image of a wheel. God is the hub, humanity the spokes and the rim is the world. The trick isn't to merge with the source it's to be able to move along the spoke at will.

    I prefer a community of nations to a New World Order for a whole host of reasons. I also don't want to see England destroyed which is what is happening now.

    Diversity and multiculturism are divide and rule by another name.


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.