
Saturday, December 20, 2008

Who is Bernard Madoff, The Man Behind The $50 Billion Fraud?

If a string of similar crimes are committed in the same city by a gang of close associates from the same ethnic group with the same extremist political ideology, one would naturally think there could be a connection. This is precisely the case with the huge financial frauds that have struck New York investment banks, insurance companies, and hedge funds. All of the key players in the current financial crisis are Zionist Jews from a very small political/ethnic community in New York City. But don't expect CNN or the New York Times to fill you in on the details -- they are part of the same "community."

I have been pointing out the Zionist connections in 9-11 for more than 7 years and the same connections behind the current financial crisis since September. I have been accused of being an anti-Semite because of my research. For American Zionists and "philo-Semites" who genuflect at the word "Jew" it seems that pointing out the Zionist Jew behind a crime is actually worse that the commission of the crime itself.

Indoctrinated by the Zionist-controlled mass media, most Americans are simply unaware that all of the key players in 9-11 and the current financial crisis come from a very small club, i.e. the Zionist Jewish criminal gang in the United States and their comrades in Israel. The Zionist criminal network is global.The latest massive financial scandal is the giant $50 billion pyramid or "Ponzi" scheme run by a New York Zionist Jew, Bernard Lawrence Madoff.

Madoff was chairman of the Syms business school at Yeshiva University with his partner, Sy Merns, a.k.a. Sy Syms, who has been a director at Israel Discount Bank (IDB) since 1991. The IDB bank is well known for its money laundering business.


1 comment:

  1. What is far more interesting is the following:
    Sy Syms Foundation showed NO in investment in the Madoff partnership (based on tax returns filed by the Sy Syms Foundation), yet Sy Syms' fellow directors on the YU Board were directly or indirectly invested with Madoff.
    Madoff ran the board at Sy Syms School of Business.
    So why didnt Sy invest with Madoff?


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