
Sunday, October 05, 2008

US Crisis An Historic Opportunity For World Peace

The people of China and Japan now have in their hands a historic opportunity to create permanent peace on earth. The inbred clans that have been fomenting vast wars around the planet for the past several hundred years are bankrupt. If the Asians have the courage, they will demand, in exchange for agreeing to a bail-out, that the Americans and Europeans participate in negotiations to create a world government.

This would not be the tyrannical New World Order long planned by the white elite. Rather it would be a government that works for the interests of the average person and life form on this planet. Such a government would be the minimum necessary to replace war with court battles and ensure equal opportunity for all humans and safety for all creatures.

We need such a government because humanity has already wiped out 30% of the species on the planet even as millions starve and wars rage. This is because the world financial system we know have acts like a giant black hole sucking money away from the poor and the weak. Simply by taking money from trillionaires who could never possibly spend it, we could put $100,000 in the hands of each person on earth.


1 comment:

  1. Barack John
    Left and rights of passage
    Black and whites of youth
    Who can face the knowledge
    that the truth is not the truth?
    Obsolete Absolute

    Ron Ralph
    Cruising under your radar
    Watching from the satellites
    Take a page from the red book
    and keep them in your sights
    Red alert Red alert



Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.