
Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The Fifth Dimension

Beneath the many levels of the battle for control of the planet today there is a fifth dimension. The place where shadows move to turn back the current threat that seeks to consolidate the world into one massive fascist state wherein all power, all privilege and wealth, shall be owned by the very few that seek to own us all.

That realm is where I live and work and have for over half a century. This dimension does not seek to draw attention to itself; but it has many creative followers that keep its arrows sharpened. By its very nature this dimension lives and moves beneath the major events and seeks to draw attention to the root causes that have brought the world to her knees in these dark times. Several million people own this image in one form or another, but very few are aware of what this Citadel of Broken Dreams was really all about.'



  1. l read a article on explaining the fifth dimension called Moving Toward Fifth-Dimensional Awareness by Julie Redstone as to understand what is fifth dimension?, it helped.

    On the evening of the 21/08/2002 as dusk was setting l remember very clearly what took place between bloodline Huw and l in the car parking area outside the back of Attitudes, never will forget it nor would anyone else if it had of been someone else instead of myself.

    Just four weeks prior Huw stood in front of me with the red hood of his sweat top covering his head, then l watched his two white eyes glowing from within, which l'm sure people would of seen many times in certain Sci Fi movies and which is exactly what l saw in real life with Huw before me then they quickly changed in size shape and colour as explained elsewhere in a comment.

    On that evening in August 2002 when l confronted Huw in frustration and anger in the carpark of Attitudes and which l posted in a comment once only l believe, detailing what happened during this encounter with Huw,
    standing within invisible thick, heavy and dense vibrations encircling around the body of Huw rigid in a paralyzed state beside his red car with his name personalized in number plates, HUWEY.

    l was to feel as if an invisible sack on sand was placed on my shoulders causing me to stoop under this weight as l was held within the waves of the vibrational state around him.

    Within this vibration l could see, feel and smell another dimension in space and time while at the same time within this dimension of space and time both in the very moment of the present.
    The muskiness of an overwhelming ancient odour cool and heavy as well as humid to the senses was in the air, felt and smelt.

    l understand when David Icke refers to the illusion of time and space because of this experience which occured with bloodline Huw standing in the past and present together at the same time which is limited to the dimensional space we live within here, for thats all we have known locked within this vibrational prison with its illusion of space and time.

    On another note chemtrails over the skies l live at have been ramped up, my brother and l or anyone else here in Melbourne would of noticed over the last 2 days.
    The rest are still munching on something in the paddocks of suburbia.

  2. l never know if l've placed comma marks properly in my comments......its friggin annoying to me when reading back what l've posted and seeing comma marks placed in the wrong places.
    Wish l had someone to correct what l write!


Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.