
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Serious Vaccine Reactions to Now Be Called 'Coincidence'?

If you or your child are injured from getting a flu swine flu shot, you are on your own. Congress has shielded the vaccine manufacturers and any person giving swine flu shots from lawsuits if people get hurt.

There is no funded government vaccine injury compensation program for swine flu vaccine.

Do NOT let a doctor or anyone else tell you that a serious health problem you or your child experiences after vaccination is a coincidence and allow more shots to be given until you know for sure.

The most tragic cases of vaccine injury occur when vaccine reaction symptoms are dismissed as a 'coincidence" and more vaccines are given that result in more severe symptoms -- and sometimes end with permanent brain and immune system damage or death.


1 comment:

  1. What a fluke theres that word the mob have the bad luck tripping over time and time again treacherously under a rug of denials.
    lts either 'we deny it' or repeat after us 'its all just a coincidence',
    with the weasel gang at the helm.


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