
Monday, March 16, 2009

NATOs Global Mission Creep

NATO, the main overseas arm of the U.S. military-industrial complex, just keeps expanding. Its original raison d’être, the supposedly menacing Soviet bloc, has been dead for twenty years. But like the military-industrial complex itself, NATO is kept alive and growing by entrenched economic interests, institutional inertia and an official mindset resembling paranoia, with think tanks looking around desperately for “threats”.


1 comment:

  1. hi there. just to remind you what i said before. the soviet bloc or russia now are not death for 20 years. they are well alive and with huge armies. not only that, today they've got brand new "friends" like brasil, venezuela, el salvador, bolivia, clolombia, just to mention the south american ones. all socialists governments. now sooner or later there's gonna be martial law in the US, leading to a civil war. when that happens, who do you think is gonna be the leaders of the world? i keep remind you that after all these avents, in some point the communists are gonna invade and conquer america. you can mark my words my friend. remember what i'm saying today...


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