
Sunday, February 15, 2009

The Post-Money Paradise

Consider a world in which the air is clean, the water pure, and the landscape unmolested but replete with verdurous splendour. A world, bereft of the virulence of the malevolent gods, home to an enlightened people united in compassion and existing in cooperation; a global palace of abundance, of universal satiety and unfettered happiness. Such a paradise could only be possible in the absence of money.

And the abolition of money could only be made possible in the absence of the toxic few that currently reside aloft the pyramidal power structure.They are the puissant elite, the nefarious puppeteers of humanity. Money forms the strings they pull. Money is perhaps their greatest tool of manipulation; It is one of the most efficient and potent means of mass coercion and is a blight unto this earth.



  1. I respectfully disagree, some form of currency has always been used by people, to facilitate easier trade.

    The problem, to me, isn't all money, it is fiat money, the supply of which is controlled by the Rothschild family and their cronies.

    If we had money backed by gold or a similar commodity, and banned the fraudulent practice of fractional reserve lending, we could have a just money system.

  2. AdamS,

    You have failed to properly understand the article. The things you mention are merely problems within the money system / money-dominant society - problems within a problem.



Thanks for your comment it is much appreciated.