
Monday, January 26, 2009

Obama's Inaugural Speech Augurs Badly for Change

Listening to Obama's inaugural speech impressed solely by its obvious continuity of the process that Bush and Cheney helped along it's way. The Project for a New American Century was in full swing as Obama parroted the aims and dreams of Zbigniew Brzezinski, his foreign policy adviser and mentor. One pawn was replaced by another on "The Grand Chessboard" and, after the slight inconvenience of a Presidential election, the battle for Eurasia and the quest for control of America continues.

There are those who will be thinking right now.. But he's only been in office since last Tuesday - give the guy a chance. Read the transcript of the inaugural speech one more time and, without the flags, the applause and the carefully crafted delivery, see what was really said. Look at the actions of his administration since taking office. Look at his voting record as a senator. Judge the man on his actions and stated goals not on the vacuous pandering to a nation that has been brought to its knees by the policies and decisions engineered by the same people who now occupy his administration. This being a time for hope does not mean it's a time for blind hope. Most importantly, remember that he has sworn to "preserve, protect and defend the constitution of the United States". Even if he had to do it twice.


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